Thought I would share with you guys a funny little story my wife told me yesterday.
Our 3 year old boy Gus went to Playgroup in the town we live in here in Australia and there were no toys out due to a mum forgetting the keys to the toy cupboard, so they all decided to sing songs to pass the time.
They staretd off with I'm A Little Teapot and Incy Wincy Spider, all the usual playgroup gems, then the crowd fell silent and our little 3 year old Gus suggests to the group
"I know, let's sing Blitzen Trapper.... yeah, let's sing the Dragon Song... so he starts singing make your way to the beat of the drum"... over and over, my wife, is laughing so decides to join in with him and they start groovin.
The rest of the mums and kids just looked on with a blank expression which said "Who the hell is Blitzen Trapper and what are these guys on about".
Funny stuff! Needless to say Gus is a massive Blitzen Trapper fan, along with his mummy and daddy!