Forum Problems

Trapper Team
Matt 8/25/13

Hi Trapper fans,

There have been a number of reports of problems with the forum. It's working fine for me (as evidenced by my ability to post this new topic) but evidently I'm the exception. Can you guys reply and explain exactly the problems you're seeing? Screenshots might be useful.

So sorry for any technical difficulties you've been experiencing!


GrangerLang 8/25/13

Matt, if I'm signed in, this is all I can see from the main forum page:

I can post on one of the few 'active forum topics' posts that's linked on the main trapper page, or on one that's linked from the Trapper Board twitter.  If I'm not signed in, I can browse the forum pages, but then obviously can't post until I sign in, which takes me back to the pic I posted.

I'm on Chrome, for whatever difference it might make. 

Jamieson 8/26/13

Hey Matt

I appear to be having the same issue as granger.  Sometimes I am able to get to the BT home screen while signed in but it looks like this:

If I try to go to the forums while signed in I have the same screen as the one granger posted. 

Trapper Team
Matt 8/26/13

OK, I think I just fixed it. Can you guys confirm?

So sorry about this! Would have fixed it way earlier, but the bug wasn't affecting band-affiliated users. Looks like it's been busted since March. :P

GrangerLang 8/26/13

Yep, seems to be working now. Thanks, Matt!

Jamieson 8/28/13

working for me too, thx for fixing :)

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