New Album

J Lurve 7/20/20
Interesting direction for the new album from the songs released so far - a little bit folk, a little bit Destroyer of the Void, sounds very chilled , laid back - maybe a bit “lockdown” ?

or am I imagining it ?
J Lurve 9/4/20
Am I the last of the posthicans?

New album sounds very stripped back .
Comet 9/18/20
Very excited for the album, love the singles so far. Getting DOTV mixed with Field Rexx vibes and a bit of Petty on those Hazy Morning acoustic guitars. Can’t wait to hear the full thing. 
munkymufin1 9/25/20
My GOODNESS, I am loving this record.  Start to finish, it is an experience and a gift.

And yesterday was my birthday, so this really did feel like a gift. 
J Lurve 9/26/20
Maybe it’s a grower - feels like an Eric solo album. Minimalist sound and texture.

Maybe they’ve saved the bar room rockers for the next album ?
mr. faded glory 10/3/20
It's been a minute since I have posted here. Had to create a new account. I am enjoying this new record. As always the details in the story telling are excellent. I also like the jazzy moments. Violin and horns are fun and unexpected. I do miss the slashing guitar fills. And I am still hoping for an album that lets Brian loose on the drum kit, such a monster live. That said this album is a great addition to the B.T. canon and my collection. jers
techrq 10/5/20
I agree with j-lurve. I realize that BT albums are mostly Eric solo efforts but this one stands apart. I’m enjoying it but I wouldn’t rank it anywhere near the top of their discography. Either way it’s always fantastic to get a new release from these guys. 
Comet 10/6/20
Loving this album so much, definitely a quick grower and a top 5 Trapper album for me. Has a weird spook to it. 
Don’t have my physical copy yet (on its way across the Atlantic I hope) so haven’t checked out the credits... IS this a solo album? Feels like it. Will he interesting to see how it plays live once the guys a free to get together and tour.
J Lurve 10/14/20
My least favourite BT album.


Hope the next one rocks.
FieldGuide 10/17/20
Love the new album.  Just like every BT album, you find more and more to appreciate with each listen.  
Music Saves 10/24/20
The album is great and I love that it exists. :)  I will always want more Blitzen Trapper songs in my life, archival and new!
techrq 1/11/21
Regardless of my previous comments, I feel like I should post this. This might not have been the album I wanted, but it has been absolutely damn magical this winter. Thanks BT 🤘
BenTheBlitzenFan 11/15/23
Blitzen trapper when new album ):
I loved the new single but I crave for a new album! please blitzen trapper!
fabarmadillo 11/16/23
They recorded a new album almost a year ago, and Brian said in an interview that it will probably be out next spring. I bet it will be worth the wait!
flykey 8 days ago
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