Thanks for the rad tour

Band Member
marty 3/15/09

Hey everybody, just wanted to express how grateful all the Trappers are for your enthusiasm and support. We just got home last night, will be here a few days before Austin, and all of us were overwhelmed by how great the crowds were. We definitely felt like we were catching some kind of wave.

Every crowd is different in their own way. For example, the crowd in Manhattan clapped along through almost the entire set. It was great. In Norman, Oklahoma the trapperheads were singing so loudly (even harmonizing!) that I kept losing track of what I was supposed to be doing. Some crowds were deadly quiet and "respectful" while others were boisterous and chatty. As long as everybody has a good time it doesn't really matter to us, although I admit that the extreme chattiness of some rooms was hard for the softer-rocking Alela Diane crew to overcome.

Anyway, we wish we could give everybody a big hug but this will have to suffice. Hope to see you all the next time we're in your neighborhood. Maybe we'll see you at SXSW. For everyone on the West Coast, we'll be around very soon.


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